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    Tuesday, March 31, 2009


    been a while since i blogged. so ill keep it short and simple

    1) I got in as a leader.

    2) Spring break coming up... can't wait or can I. I have to spend it recovering from a wisdom teeth extraction

    3) Still deciding on whether i should get tickets to see Hillsong United in Sac

    4) started to be more productive again

    thats about it.

    What is Love? oh baby don't hurt me (JK)

    Love really is...

    it is not a place where we can come as go as we please
    it's a house we enter in then commit to never leave

    Love is not a fight, but it's something worth fighting for

    Warren Barfield, don't forget him.


    Sunday, March 15, 2009

    What life would be like

    Got into KCDC as a leader... sweet. iPod broke, but i fixed it. Should i jailbreak? suggestions please. Oh yeah Hillsong United is coming to California during the second week of April. I'm deciding if i should go to the concert @ sacremento... Anyone wanna join?

    With this economy right now, people would wonder what life would bel ike in the future. FORGET THAT. rather you should imagine what life would be like through Jesus.

    Song: What Life Would Be Like - Big Daddy Weave.


    Wednesday, March 11, 2009

    I Am Fireproof!

    No classes today, due to some teacher thing. Not like it matters to me. Anyways, i think i'll spend the rest of the day doing something productive (like sleeping early, and folding the clothes?).

    However there were interesting things that happened over the past few days. On sunday, I had a fun time acting like a kid, then had a pretty hard time acting like a leader. but in the end i got some good info.

    Monday. I do believe that i had a very memorable moment that day. I watched Fireproof. You know the one with Kirk Cameron?. I must admit, it was very good. So good that i shed tears. I think it would be a great movie for anyone to watch, especially couples. Also watched the an episode of Heroes... YAWN (Nathan, good guy now?). I do believe the next episode will be pretty interesting. I knew i should statyed with 24. Battle at the white house was pretty cool.

    Tuesday... was boring, all i did was sleep early.

    To end. A song coindicentally called Fireproof (although it has nothing to do with the movie)

    Fireproof - Pillar

    Peace out

    Saturday, March 7, 2009

    The BASS Convention

    So today was the 46th Annual BASS convention. IF you don't what it is... then google it. Just kidding, i'll tell you. It's basically a convention. thats it. Blog's done, turn off your comp and go to sleep.

    But in all seriousness, its a place where people can just meet up and learn many different things that they have in store there. For instance, I went to a workshop called "Object Lessions - 2009". Was it helpful? you bet. I learned so much new and pretty creative object lesson (as well as a few sharing christ lessons). In the end, i won a raffle prize. pretty happy about that.

    Worship was led by some dude named travis cottrell. Very good voice IMO, but the songs were really old school. I didn't know a single one, except for "You are God Alone".

    After the BASS, i went for a good 1-2hour sleep. Good day, good day

    To end, creative lesson from a workshop. Get helium balloons, write your problems and tie it to the balloon, then let it go. Meaning: God will lift up your burden. etc. Just like Jesus did when he died on the Cross.

    Song: Carry My Cross - Third Day. Imagine Jesus singing this. while watching passion of the Christ

    Almost brought tears to my eyes (i'm just resilient to tears, don't get me wrong) Peace out.

    Koobface, face(book) worm and a CK

    Once something is created, there will always be something to bring it back down. In this case, when facebook was created, it didn't take long until people made up a virus to go agaisnt it. Info


    I don't understand why people would want to create viruses and ruin other people's lives. Fame, or fortune. Viruses... very dangerous

    Speaking of dangerous, I myself felt that all my driving lessons were for nothing, as i was driving back from fellowship and i almost hit 2 cars on the freeway. Talk about close. Not good, need to practice more.

    One more thing happened today. I got into my newest CK. CK 2! (or 2/3 if you wanna call it that). Awesome time. played some true colors and learned about 1 Corinthians 10:1-13. don't be tempted.

    Anyways to end... A song called Forgive Me by Group 1 Crew (Christian Hip-Hop). just think of the Black Eye Peas singing chrsitian songs.

    To the drivers i almost ran into... Forgive Me. Also Wassup CK 2. Peace out

    Thursday, March 5, 2009

    Testing the want of concerts

    So I had a Chem exam today... was it hard??? no. I remember everything I learned from high school. Surprising thing was... I was late to class, but i was the first to finish. When i looked at my friends in the class (yes i have friends), i couldn't tell if they were amazed, surprised, or jealous. Anyways that made the majority of my day.

    Today was one of those days where i just didn't want to be home. Why? Because Chris Tomlin had a concert in San Jose and i realllllllllly wanted to go. Oh well, maybe next time (when i actually get a job).

    Speaking of christian artists. The Newsboys have a new CD coming out this year on May 5th

    In fact they already released their first single (which is also the title of the album)

    Here it is: "In the Hands of God"

    Peace out

    Wednesday, March 4, 2009


    So i found out that i've been found out. It's cool. Doesn't really matter to me. Help it out with the low profile

    As for my day, boring. Got to school, then came back. Nothing special again. I need more excitement in my life besides the weekends. Gotta chem exam tomorrow. should i study? nah. I'll just use memory from high school (Mr. Paul, you and your mnemonic devices. How could i possibly forget (corny but helpful.)

    Aside from that i have to ready about families and the rate of divorce. Made me think about how a christian marriage differs from a normal marriage. One word: Devotion. Devotion to each other and also to God. In a christian marriage, it is 1+1=3. don't forget that.

    Song: Love Song - Third Day. Good song to sing when you're getting married

    Peace Out

    Tuesday, March 3, 2009


    nothing special happened today... might as well talk about something about me. So i chose the name Livin' with the freedom givin'. I have no idea why.. i just wanted something that rhymes and can reflect to my life.

    So yes, I live with the freedom give to me, by whom you ask? none other than God. Freedom in life and freedom from death!

    "For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God." (Romans 8:20-21 NIV)

    To end... a song called I am Free by the Newsboys

    Peace Out

    Monday, March 2, 2009

    New to the blogging world

    So if you can't tell... this is my first blog. I don't really have anything to say. I never thought that i would end up signing up to blogger, but i guess this is what happens when you get super bored at home and have nothing to do. I look forward to creating new blogs. Peace out